IMPORTANT:  The book you are about to read contains information that is very comprehensive. This is not a novelty book or a satire-based document. This book includes real specific instructions on how to actually increase your income to over $5,500 a month by your own efforts. The book is intended for people who are serious about adding additional monthly income to the money they already have coming in. If you are just reading this book for casual enjoyment, that’s fine, but understand that it is not meant to be entertainment of any kind. It’s meant for serious-minded people who understand they need additional income for financial security and will take action to implement the "Home Extra Income Program" strategy by reading and studying this book completely to achieve their income goals.
"This Is For Serious People Who Want
Their Own Business To Earn Extra Income

How to Add Monthly Income Automatically Through Your
Own Home Business System!

I want to welcome you to this book and thank you in advance for taking the time to read it. BUT YOU MUST READ IT COMPLETELY TO EARN THE EXTRA INCOME YOU WANT!

In this book I will show you exactly how to make over $5,500 a month using the system I call "The Home Extra Income Program."

The Home Extra Income Progran is actually a complete small business that you can use to earn extra income to either augment the money you currently have coming in, or even create a full-time income for yourself.

But first, before we begin, here’s what I know. I know that many people are at risk of falling below the poverty line and never coming back. This may have already happened to you, or maybe you think it could happen to you in the near future. I know you’re worried because you might not have enough money coming in to pay you monthly bills and live a decent lifestyle. I know this worry is what keeps you up at night, because everything keeps going up and your income keeps falling behind.

You want to learn how you can make extra income on your own right from your home. I know you want a small business that will add a few extra thousand dollars each month to your household so you can live a life of dignity and financial independence. I know that having that business will help you be able to sleep better at night and not worry.

The problem is this, at the current levels of income and price inflation, many people can’t keep up with paying their bills and other household expenses. It doesn't matter if the Government says the economy is good or bad. It only matters what's happening to you.

If there are "economic shocks," such as wars, pandemics, political missteps, or natural disasters, things could get a hundred times worse. So, it's a necessity for you to learn how to make money on your own in any economic environment.

Many people are just one emergency away from going into poverty. If they were to lose their job, have a medical problem, experience a personal disaster, or have any other income threatening event, they could easily fall below the poverty line and possibly become homeless, or have to move in with relatives or friends.

Even if an emergency doesn’t happen, guess what, prices are always going up faster than the money you have coming in from your job or retirement check. So, you still have a big problem in trying to keep up with ever inflating prices.

If you fall into any of the groups below, this book is definitely for you and it will not only keep you out of poverty, but it will also show you how to live a better lifestyle by increasing your income through your own efforts, and not depending of some company, corporation, or the government.

The truth is that these days anyone who is not rich already needs extra income. But, how do you make extra income if you’re a senior who can’t find a good job because of your age, or you’re a stay-at-home mom who has to take care of her household and can’t travel to work every day, or you’re a person who doesn’t have the expert high-demand skills needed to make a decent income, or you’re a sales person who has no retirement fund and is afraid of turning 65, or you are someone who is disabled and must work from home to earn income?

You see working for a company to get enough income to live decently doesn’t always work out because first of all, they won’t pay you enough to live a life of financial dignity, or to earn the money you deserve. Second, most jobs are not what you want to do in life, and third, the commute back and forth, along with office politics, or other co-worker situations, many times is just not worth the stress.

So, what’s the answer? What can you do?

The answer is to create your own job, through your own small business, and pay yourself the money you want. That’s exactly what this book will teach you to do. You see, if you had an extra $5,500 or more coming in each month on top of what you're making now, you would be able to live with dignity and probably have no more money hassles whatsoever. So, my focus here is to help you get to that level of extra income as fast as possible.

One thing though, this program is not a get rich quick scheme, so it will take time, effort, and a little money on your part to get to the $5,500 a month income level you need. The more work you put in, the faster you will get there. You’re also going to need a few more things such as leverage, a small business website, products, a payment processor, and an effective marketing strategy. I’m going to show you how to get all these things in this book, but I need you to have a serious attitude about improving your own financial situation.


You see, this book is not some fluff theory or a theoretical thesis on making more money. This book, "The Home Extra Income Program," is the real deal. This book actually shows you how to legitimately make over $5,500 a month on your own.

Many will open this book, skim through it, read a few paragraphs, and then set it aside until the time is right for them to really read it. These people will not achieve financial independence in the future and are not serious about changing their financial situation in the present. They are talkers, maybe dreamers, but they are not doers.

A serious person will take this book and immediately read it several times and then take action by executing the plan inside the book to the letter.   The good news is that the plan inside this book can be implemented by anyone, no matter who you are or where you are as long as you’re committed. It doesn’t require any type of special knowledge or technical skills to make it work.

Now, with all of that said, if you’re serious and you want to add an extra $5,500 or more to your monthly income, then follow the step-by-step instructions in this book in detail.

There are many ways that you can make money on and off the Web, but in this book, you will see a method that allows you to make more than $5,500 a month automatically through your own business from your home.

I came upon this system by accident. My biggest problem at the time was my attitude. I thought I could make extra money without spending any money at all. I didn’t want to spend a dime. Boy, was I stupid! I had forgotten the first rule of attaining wealth and that is, "It always takes money to make money."  The trick is to spend as little as possible and make as much as you can. That’s the definition of a successful business enterprise. If you're someone who expects to make thousands of dollars each month for free, that's impossible, and this book is definitely not for you. Sorry!

My next mistake was I became negative and skeptical about everything and every income system because nothing I found worked for me. Finally, I realized that instead of being skeptical and block-headed, I should try to be positive and find a real way to create income on my own. In my efforts to create that new way, I luckily hit upon a system that was so simple I couldn’t believe I found it. It was there in front of me the whole time. Since then, I've made a lot of money with this method, and I will show you the exact method I use in this book. If I can do it, believe me, anyone can do it, and so can you.

My method involves using software and platforms that are already available from the following companies. Bluehost Hosting, a "Payment Processor" (because of its trademark restrictions I can’t mention the name here, but I will tell it to you when you’re ready to execute the plan), the ARI company, DropCardJunction, and optionally, UDIMI, and AWEBER. You may have heard of some of these companies and others may be unknown to you.

I will show you how to take advantage of these companies and their platforms to make over $5,500 a month or more once you have studied the methods contained in this book.

I have used these companies to build a tremendous amount of wealth for myself and I’m going to show you the exact same simple method I use and how you can do the same thing.

So, let’s cut to the chase and get started.



The Absolute First Thing You Must Do To Make This Method Work!

Before you do anything, you must watch the video below, if you have not already. You see, you have to understand the underlying principles and mechanisms needed to control personal business leverage. You’re going to need a pen and some paper so that you can follow along and work the examples in the video to be able to understand these leverage components fully. The principles and mechanisms explained in the video have made thousands of people financially independent. Now, you must understand them yourself. Click the video below to watch...
Watch This Video Now!

"This Leverage Training Changed My Life"


Getting Set Up To Make $5,500/mo.!

Step 1 - Bluehost:

Bluehost.com is a hosting company that allows you to put your business on the web. Bluehost has very inexpensive cPanel hosting starting at $3.95 a month. However, I would choose either the "Plus" or "Choice Plus" account for the best advantage. You’re going to need hosting because you will be putting up your "Home Extra Income Program" leveraged website platform, sales funnel, and payment processor for your business (we will show you how to do everything, don’t worry it's easy, takes 15 minutes). All the software I will tell you about in this book runs on the Bluehost cPanel platform. Don’t worry, you won’t need any technical training or skills to do this because I’ll show you how to get setup step-by-step in your Home Extra Income Program Back Office.

For your Bluehost cPanel account you can sign up here: Click Here

When you get to the Bluehost home page just click the green "Choose Plan" button and follow the instructions on the screen.

For your free Bluehost domain name, choose something short that starts with "eip or mdp," like "eip5784," or " mdp9054," or "eip or mdp" and any four-digit number and .com" behind it. The "eip" stands for "Extra Income Program" and "mdp" stands for "Million Dollar Program." Pick a domain that’s not already taken. An example of a Bluehost domain URL used with our program would look something like this: http://eip5784.com/home/

You want to keep your domain name generic because the "Home Extra Income Program" platform is based on sub-directories and this way you can put up as many sub-directory web sites as you want with different types of content and not get penalized by Google or Bing because your domain name says one thing and your sites say something else.

After your website platform is set up, you log into you hosting account at least once every two weeks for the first six weeks. It is good for you to keep an eye on your new files in your Bluehost File Manager, and also note any scheduled maintenance that Bluehost may need to do.

Step 2 - Payment Processor:
The next platform that you will need to set up is a payment processor which processes your payments and pays you.  The processor accounts I use are free.  You’ll need to set up a free Business Account with the Processor I use.  The account you set up will allow you to receive unlimited single, as well as, reoccurring subscription payments from anywhere in the world. We’ll show you how to set up a business account in 10 minutes or less.

The Processor we use is a popular and proven payment processor that has been around for a long time and is stable and secure.  Because of trademark restrictions, I cannot mention the Payment Processor's name here on our website, but you will be told who they are later when you execute this plan. Believe me, you will have heard of them before.

The payments you will receive can come from credit cards, regular processor accounts, or business processor accounts.  It doesn’t matter, but to receive them all, you must have a payment processor business account.

Watch the video here to see how you can easily set up your business account.  This YouTube video shows you step-by-step how to set up a free business account with the processor I use:  Click Here

Step 3 - ARI:
ARI has the "Home Extra Income Program" platform that you need to use to market and get paying subscribers. We’ll use the ARI platform as the engine to drive our $5,500 a month income plan. The ARI platform is called SB1 which stands for "Small Business One." The difference between a regular website, such as an MLM replicated site, or an affiliate business website, and the ARI website platform is that the ARI platform has:
  • Sign-in Contact Form w/ Auto-responder
  • FREE Give-a-way Book
  • Complete Digital Presentation
    - For Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, & Mobile
  • Complete Registration Sign-up Form w/ Auto-responder
  • Payment Processor API
  • Account Registration API
  • Automatic Back Office API
  • Automatic Product Delivery API
  • Built-in First-up Leverage
  • Built-in Monthly Subscription API
  • Built-in Income Compounding
  • Complete Locked-in System
  • Built-in Decentralization & Security
A regular website has only some standard navigation links like "About Us," "Services," "Contact Us," "Blog" etc.

Why ARI?

Because ARI is the only business system out there that has unlimited "First-up" subscription leverage, and that leverage is needed to make your "Home Extra Income Program" work to earn over $5,500 a month. Without a leveraged business platform, it is almost impossible for you to make thousands of dollars in income each month on your own. This has been proven time and time again.

ARI also has an excellent products and services, sales funnels, automatic customer processing, and also provides college-level business and Internet marketing training to its members. Their products are all digital and of very high quality. ARI also has a complete member back office and gives great customer support when needed. Plus, ARI ensures you get recurring subscription payments automatically, and you have unlimited use of their SB1 platform. The cost to be an ARI member is $29.95 a month. To see ARI Products & Services: Click Here

To Register for the ARI Home Extra Income Program:

After you become an ARI member, your only requirement to be able to earn money through the Home Extra Income Program is that you must give up the first subscription payment, that you receive from your website platform, to your ARI Sponsor, then you become a Sponsor yourself. Every subscription payment after that goes to you. This is called "First-up Leverage." Once you have given your First-up to your Sponsor, you are then cleared to earn unlimited money and you will receive a special piece of software called the "Qualified Plugin" that plugs into your website and allows you to receive unlimited payments from the program. It takes only fives minutes to install the plug-in.

To understand how First-up subscription leverage works in ARI, watch this video if you haven’t already: Click Here.

Step 4 - Drop Card Junction:


You’re going to be using Drop Cards to market your business, but not in the way you think. The "Home Extra Income Program" requires using drop cards, or some similar hand outs, to promote and market your business. This is called Dissemination Marketing. It is free to create an account at Dropcardjunction.com, but you’ll have to pay for the drop cards you will use.

Drop card costs differ depending on the number of cards you want. At the time this book was written costs ranged as follows:
  • 100 cards for $14.99
  • 250 cards for $29.99
  • 500 cards for $54.99
  • 1000 cards for $99.99
You will probably not need more than 100 cards to set yourself up to make $5,500 a month in this program.

You should go to dropcardjunction.com and create a free account by clicking on the word "ACCOUNT" on the blue menu bar and then where it says "New Customer" click on "Create New Account" in the New Customer box.


Once you have all of your business pieces assembled, you will then be ready to implement your $5,500 a month plan and this strategy will create an automated business system that brings in lots of money each month as you approach your ultimate goal of an extra $5,500 each month. The money will keep increasing and continuously growing month by month if you follow the instructions in this book properly.

If you have the financial resources and want your business to move even more quickly, or you for whatever reason don't want to use Dissemination Marketing, you can use mass marketing. You don’t have to do mass marketing, it is optional and only for the people who want to make much more than $5,500 a month and make their business grow rapidly. To mass market you can set up two other platforms that are optional, but can give fantastic results. These two optional platforms are UDIMI and AWEBER. See below how you can use them for your business.


Optional Platforms for Automated
Mass Marketing And Lead Generation!

Step 5 - UDIMI:

If you have never heard of UDIMI, it’s a tremendous source to get traffic to any website through the use of SOLO ADs.   A SOLO AD is an ad, in an email format, that is blasted out one time to thousands of people on a targeted email buyer's list.  The owner of the list is called a “SOLO Seller” or “SOLO Vendor.”  SOLO means one, or one time. 

Therefore the SOLO AD is sent one time to a list of thousands of targeted Biz Ops, Make Money Online, Work From Home, MLM, FOREX, and Affiliate Marketing types of interested people who have purchased similar products in the past, or joined similar programs.

The SOLO AD email that is sent out has links in it to your business website platform and when someone clicks a link they are taken to the website landing page where they can choose to opt-in by usually giving their name, email, and phone information. Each click of your link counts against the total clicks you purchased in your SOLO campaign.  To get more in depth information on UDIMI Click Here.

Many successful online marketers use this same method to bring in tons of sales for their products and services and it’s very effective.  You can use UDIMI to get the mass traffic you want, build a list of buyers, and then email market to that buyer traffic using AWEBER, and then process your subcription payments using ARI and your payment processor.  UDIMI doesn’t cost anything to join, but you will have to pay for the campaigns you’ll want to run.  So, to get a UDIMI account,  you can go here: Click Here.

Step 6 - AWEBER:


AWEBER is an auto-responder service that will send special marketing emails (these emails you'll get from your ARI back office) to people who have signed into your Home Extra Income Program website platform to get the free instruction book and watch the leverage video.  Many people want these instruction materials. Who wouldn’t want to know how to add $5,500 to their monthly income?

After they sign into your website platform, AWEBER will keep sending them marketing emails reminding them of the opportunity and requesting that they take action to make an extra $5,500 a month.  So, with many people, it’s a matter of timing.  They need to be at a point in their lives where their daily activities and finances allow them enough time and resources to set up and execute this $5,500 dollar a month strategy in this book.

AWEBER will keep sending them emails explaining more about the program and why it works.  When they are ready, they will get themselves set up to start earning money.  Most of the people who read this book will not be ready to go immediately, but it is a certainty that a small percentage of them will get going and moving toward their $5,500 a month goal at some point. 

The entire strategy of using these optional mass marketing platforms is based on the assumption that only a very small percentage of people will subscribe after each marketing campaign has completed. And, with only that small percentage, you can easily increase your earnings to well over $5,500 a month automatically. 

The follow-up emails that you will need to load into AWEBER are very compelling and will be given to you with your ARI website platform.   A basic AWEBER account will allow you 500 subscribers and an advanced account will give 2,000 subscribers. You can start out at the basic level until your subscribers get over 500 and then you can upgrade.  To sign up for AWEBER: Click Here

After you have all your business platforms set up and ready to go, you will then start to implement the Home Extra Income Program as explained below.


Implementing Your Automatic
$5,500 a Month Strategy!

Once you join ARI, you will get the "Home Extra Income Program" website platform by going to your ARI back office and downloading your Home Extra Income Program business packages. There are many products and systems in the ARI back office, but you’ll want to go to the "User Account Page" and click the link for the Home Extra Income Program to reach your downloads. You will download all of the Home Extra Income business packages. Watch this short video: CLICK HERE

Home Extra Income Program
Membership Website Platform

Click Here for Demo
The Home Extra Income Program Website Platform consists of:
  • Sign-in Contact Form w/ Auto-responder
  • FREE Give-a-way Book
  • Complete Digital Presentation
    - Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, & Mobile
  • Complete Registration Sign-up Form w/ Auto-responder
  • Payment Processor API
  • Account Registration API
  • Automatic Back Office API
  • Automatic Product Delivery API
  • Built-in First-up Leverage
  • Built-in Monthly Subscription API
  • Built-in Income Compounding
  • Complete Locked-in System
  • Built-in Decentralization & Security
It is a complete "business-in- a-box" platform. Your only job is to invite people to visit your website platform so they can access your free guide and watch your leverage video. It’s the easiest job in the world and you get to make over $5,500 a month doing it.

You will also receive your copy of the Home Extra Income Program free give-a-way book that has MRR rights so you can customize it with your own contact information using MS Word or another document editor. You will be shown step-by-step exactly how to do this. Here’s a picture of the Home Extra Income Program book (it’s the same book you’re now reading):



So How Does This Work?

Every business must have products, services, and systems to be a real business. The business sells its products and services to customers in order to make money. A business could have the best products and services in the world, but it would not even make one dollar if nobody knew about the business. So, a business has to tell people that it exists, and that it has these wonderful products and services that interested people can purchase to receive the benefits of owning them. The act of a business letting people know about its products and services in order to find out who is interested in them is called marketing. And, the act of showing interested people individually the specific features and benefits that improve their unique circumstances, so that they buy the products and services, is called selling.

Now, most people are not sales people, so they would fail in most businesses unless they did not have to sell. Don’t get me wrong, products and services have to be sold for businesses to make money, but these days they don’t have to be sold by the person operating the business. These days, products and services can be sold by dynamic website platforms. A selling website that has a selling book, a compelling video, a closing registration module, and a payment processor is call a "Platform," or "Website Platform." In our business the ARI Home Extra Income Program Website Platform does all of the selling for you, so you don’t have to.   Therefore, you don't have to know how to sell anything to be successful.

Even though the Website Platform will do all your selling for you, you still have to get people to go to the Website. How many people do you need to have subscribe to your business to be successful in the Home Extra Income Program and make over $5,500 a month? Well, the answer to that question is an incredibly low figure. You see, you only need three (3) good people to grow your business to $5,500 a month. Why so low? Well, you have to give one person to your Sponsor (your "First-up") and then you only need two more people who will each pay you a subscription of $20 a month for a total of $40 a month coming to you.

Now, the reason this works is because when you’re getting monthly payments from 2 people, you don’t have to pay any membership fees to ARI. Why? Because the ARI monthly membership fee only cost $29.95 a month. So, if you’re receiving $40 a month from your two people, you’re making more money than you are spending on your monthly membership fee.

The next thing you need to do is to help the two members you brought into the program get their three people and then you’re done. It can’t get any simpler or easier than that. This has got to be the easiest business in the world. However, there is one more duty you have to perform. If one of your two people were to drop out or quit the program, you'd need to replace him/her. So, you may have to market and get one other person, if someone drops out.

So, if everyone you sponsor gets just three good people, your business will keep on growing to infinity just like it shows in the video. When you have two lines and each of the lines grows to 100 people, you’ll be making $4,000 a month. When they grow to 200 people per line, you’ll be making $8,000 a month and so on.

In MLM you need thousands of people to make that kind of money. So, it’s a good thing that the "Home Extra Income Program" is not an MLM. If you haven’t watched the video to see how this works, you can watch it here on YouTube. CLICK HERE

You only need three good people to start growing your business and making money. Now, if you wanted to make you business grow faster or make considerably more that $5,500 a month, you could personally sponsor more than three people. But the point I want to make here is that you only need three people to be successful with your business and that’s a very small amount of marketing that you must do to be successful in the Home Extra Income Program.

Now, I’m going to show you a simple marketing technique that has made many people thousands of dollars. It’s very simple and easy to do. You don’t have to know anything about marketing and it will still work for you.


You Only Need Three (3) People To
Make Over $5,500/mo.



So How Do I Market To Get My
Three (3) People?

We have devised a very simple way for you to market to get your three people. It is a proven method that has worked for hundreds of people in this business. It’s so easy a 9-year old could do it. Here's how it works:

As you go around each day running errands and entering into random conversations with people at supermarkets, drugstores, dry cleaners, your work place, department stores, banks, schools, beauty parlors, churches, pet stores, clubs, restaurants, gas stations, barber shops, social events, movies, malls, post offices, fast food joints, gyms, etc., all you have to do is wait for the conversation you're having with people in these places to get around to money, and how people need more of it. You don’t have to steer the conversation in any way, or make any "hints." It will eventually get around to lack of money sooner or later, if you talk to them long enough. When it does, all you have to do is ask them one " Simple Question" and then give them a "Special Money Drop Card" (which we'll show you how to make).

What is the "Simple Question" and what is the "Special Money Drop Card?"

You just say, "May I ask you a question?" They will almost always say "Yes." Then you ask them this, "If I could show you a way to add an additional $5,500 to your monthly income, would you want to know how to do that?"

When you say "$5,500" in your "Simple Question," you need to pronounce it as "fifty-five hundred dollars."

When they say yes, you just give them one of your "Special Money Drop Cards", or as I call them, your "Special Dollar Cards." They will never throw them away and many people will act on them immediately. Others will act on them over time. And still others will show them to their friends and family and even some of those people will also act on the cards. It's like the marketing gift that keeps on giving.

The dollar cards I use are folded $100-dollar bills that look like this:


Having used dollar cards for some time now, I’ve noticed that they work best when you ask the "Simple Question" and then put the "Special Dollar Card" in the person’s hand. Just dropping them on the street, or on the floor of a mall or restaurant, does not get the same level interest and results as when you first ask the person the "Simple Question" and then hand them the "Special Dollar Card." If you just drop them you'll have to use more cards and it will take more time to get the same results.

However, the "Home Extra Income Program" will still work even if you do just drop the special cards and don't talk to anyone. Everyone will pick your cards up and read your full marketing message inside, and they'll never throw them away. Remember, you only need three (3) good people, and if everyone who sees your marketing message reads it, how long do you think it will take you to get three people into your business.

The "Special Dollar Card" is by far the easiest way for anyone to market and make extra income through the program. Your only job is to give away the special dollar cards and they will get people to your website. Your website will then do the rest of the work for you and get people in the program so you make money. How hard is that, right?

Best job you ever had, isn't it?

Click The Video To See Real
Proof That The System Works!

As you can see from the video, the Special Dollar Cards work. The "Home Extra Income Program" is a membership subscription business and you must get people to visit your website. By using the " the "Special Dollar Cards," many people will go to your website. Remember, you only need three (3) good people, so all you need to do is use this marketing technique until you get your three people. Once you are done, all you have to do then is teach your new people how to get and use the "Special Dollar Cards" for themselves. We'll show you how to edit and put the cards together in live training. I get my "Special Dollar Cards" here: Click Here

ANOTHER GREAT MARKETING METHOD: There are other very effective marketing techniques I personally use, and I will show you how to use them as well. For example, I use "Placement Cards." These are highly compelling cards that have your full marketing message on them. You can leave them anywhere you go, or give them directly to people, and many people will get your marketing message and go to your website to learn about earning extra income. This is marketing made easy. See an example below:

I had these cards made up at Vistaprint™. You can get 1,000 of these cards for less than $60. It's easy to get three people and a lot more just by handing out these cards, or leaving them where you go when you're doing your daily errands, or on lunch break at work. There's a full and compelling marketing message on them and many people go to my website and join the business just from these cards. There is no reason why anyone can't make over $5,500 a month with this marketing system and the leverage in the Home Extra Income Program. When you join the program, I'll personally show you how to make these cards.



So, all I have to say in closing is, if you don’t decide to join the Home Extra Income Program, there is a good possibility that 12 months from now, you’ll be in the same bad financial situation you’re in right now, or it may even get worse, depending on the economy. On the other hand, if you do join the program, 12 months from now, there’s a good possibility that you’ll have an extra $5,500 or more coming in every single month. The choice is yours. I hope you choose wisely. Also, because the Home Extra Income Program is backed by a 100% money back guarantee, you have absolutely nothing to lose? So, act now to get yourself on the road to making the extra income you need and deserve.

This is a very simple program that anyone can do. All you have to do is get set up, practice your "Simple Question" and get your "Special Dollar Cards" made. Then its just a matter of a short time before you get three good people to subscribe to your "Home Extra Income Program." From that point on, your money can increase every month as you grow to over $5,500 a month.

If for whatever reason you don't want to use the money card method, you can always use the mass marketing method we mentioned before with UDIMI and AWEBER. Either way, it's easy to be successful in the Home Extra Income Program, isn't it?

Because this book is now out there, more and more people will be using this program to become financially independent. I hope you are one of them. That’s why you should execute this plan as fast as possible because the more people who use this strategy, obviously the harder it will be for you to make the money you want, due to saturation.

Remember, things that are simple sometimes can work very well. Facebook started on a bed in a college dorm room because a guy wanted to share photos and keep up with his friends online, Amazon started because a guy wanted to get rid of some used books online. And now, the "Home Extra Income Program" can be used to make over $5,500 a month because a guy wanted to show average people how to use subscription leverage to make some extra income right from their home. Don’t miss out!

By the way, anytime you want to discuss this method or get more information or assistance in getting set up, my contact information is on the Registration Page. Just click the big blue button below.

If you need specific help with Bluehost Hosting, the Payment Processor, UDIMI, or AWEBER, you need to contact those companies directly. However, as I said, if you need any help whatsoever with the ARI Home Extra Income Program, or the ARI Website Platform, you can contact me directly and I will help you get set up. May you and your family have the best of business success.



To Register for the ARI Home Extra Income Program:


“It Takes Commitment
To Live the Dream”


To Register for the ARI Home Extra Income Program:




Mandatory Legal Disclaimer:

We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent our ARI products and services and their potential for income. Earning and/or income statements made by our Company and/or Independent Representatives are estimates of what you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income or any income at all, and you accept the risks that the earnings and income statements differ by individual. The examples are not to be interpreted as any guarantee, promise, representation and/or assurance you will earn any money at all. We do not purport our business and/or us as being a "get rich quick scheme."

As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees, promises, representations and/or assurances concerning the level of success you may experience. Your level of success in attaining the results claimed depends on the time you devote to the business, the ideas and techniques mentioned, your successful execution of those ideas and techniques, your finances, financial resources you commit, knowledge and various skills, since such skills and factors differ according to individuals.

Testimonials and examples used in this book are exceptional results, which do not, or may not, apply to the average person, and are not intended to guarantee, promise, represent and/or assure that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. We reiterate that each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, resources, and motivation.

There is no assurance that examples of past earnings can be duplicated in the future. We cannot guarantee your future results and/or success. There are some unknown risks in business and on the Internet that we cannot foresee, which can reduce results. We are not responsible for your actions or your results. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results were taken from statements made by participating persons in first-up and 1-up systems overall, and not specifically through ARI.

The use of our information, products and/or services should be based on your own due diligence, which you undertake and confirm that you have carried out to your entire satisfaction. You agree that our company (ARI or ESD), or any ARI consultant, affiliate, sponsor, or member is not liable for any success or failure of your ARI business, your acts and/or conduct that is directly or indirectly related to the ARI business, and/or the purchase and use of ARI information, products, and/or services.

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